Friday, September 10, 2010

Japanther - Rock N' Roll Ice Cream

Hey, it's me.

School kicked off for me on Tuesday, and as a result I've been really busy with homework and trying to get as much sleep as I can. But it's friday now and I finally have the time to make a new blog post. Unfortunately, it seems like I've disliked all of the new albums that I've listened to which have been released over the past two weeks or so, and due to that I decided to post this album, which came out in March, but I didn't get until about 3 weeks ago, and finally got around to posting it now.

Japanther is a lo-fi punk band from Brooklyn who sound like if The Ramones and indie rock as a whole decided to mate give birth to a band instead of a child. Every one of their albums to date has been incredibly solid, I've loved them all, I suggest you go get some of their previous albums too, and I loved this album just as much as I did the former ones. It seems that Japanther picked up a female vocalist to sing alongside them on this album, whos voice appears in almost every track (except for "What the Fuck is the Internet?" and "L.A URA Mystery"), which is something new for them, but they really make it work and the female vocals dont seem out of place at all, she has a good voice.

The songs are all very catchy and hook you in really, really fast. You don't have to listen to it more than once to know that either. Some bands make songs that you have to listen to a few times over to like, but that's not the case on Rock N Roll Ice Cream. The songs are all very catchy, and will get stuck in your head really fast. Japanther doesn't use a variety of instruments either, their songs consist of bass guitar, drums, vocals and a cheap vintage keyboard.

While many of the songs seem to have pop-ish hooks, they still remain true to their roots and can still stick it to the man, which is exemplified on the track "What The Fuck Is The Internet?". Finally, something I've never seen Japanther do on any album before is include an accoustic song. It's titled "Alone In The Basement" and is a remake of the first track "She's The One". I can't say I really liked how they did that though, it isn't appropriate and I didn't get the album to hear an accoustic song. This was a fantastic album, perhaps even one of my favourites so far this year, but 2010 has yet to come to a close, and something may still top Rock N Roll Icecream. But until then, Japanther will be the King of the Beach.
